Harriet's Hat

Harriet's Hat


Pattern leaflet for Harriet’s Hat designed by Harriet Middleton in aid of the Shetland MRI Scanner Appeal. The whole £4 paid for the pattern goes to the appeal.

One of the suggested yarns is Jamieson and Smith 2ply Jumper Weight

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Over 600 patients from Shetland must travel south to have an MRI scan each year. MRI diagnostics are used to diagnose and monitor a wide variety of conditions and the number of patients who need them is steadily increasing. 

There can be delays in getting an MRI scan due to bad weather, transport delays and logistical problems in getting short notice appointments or one stop clinics. There is also the challenge of making the journey itself, which can involve time off work, and impact on family life and child care at an already difficult time. 

When Harriet Middleton first began using her love of knitting to raise money for the Shetland MRI Scanner Appeal, she was using surplus wool of her own. She then sold whatever she made at local craft stalls with all proceeds donated to the appeal.

The support and encouragement she received from the local community has been outstanding, but not surprising. Over time people started donating wool for her to use and it quickly became obvious that no one person could turn it all into something to raise funds.

Encouraged by the success she was already having, and determined that the donated wool would raise money for the scanner as intended, Harriet was inspired to start a “Maakin and Yaakin” group. (Maakin and Yaakin is a local term which basically means knitting and chatting)

The idea being that local volunteers would come together every second Thursday for two hours, where they can begin ‘maakin’ using the donated wool and take away to finish off before the next meeting. With more people involved, there’s more variety for the next big craft fair.

Harriet has also designed a Fair Isle hat inspired by the colours on the Shetland MRI Scanner logo. These are colours which traditionally wouldn’t necessarily be used together, so it’s quite unique.

It turned out so well, she’s had it transcribed into a pattern which you can buy to make one of your own. Priced at £4, all proceeds go to the MRI Scanner appeal.