Shetland Wool Adventures Journal Volume 3

Shetland Wool Adventures Journal Volume 3
Beautifully designed, presented and printed, Shetland Wool Adventures Journal features beautiful photography, knitting patterns, walks, interesting stories, interviews, recipes and some personal insights into the lives of the Shetland’s top knitters and craftspeople. Shetland is a beautiful and inspiring place, and the Journal aims to bring a little piece of our magical isles to your home.
164 pages
6 knitting patterns by Shetland designers, made in Shetland wool, inspired by our surroundings and reflecting Shetland heritage and knitting traditions
interesting stories, interviews, walks, recipes and personal insights into the lives of some of Shetland’s top knitters and craftspeople plus stunning photography
Dimensions: 240 x 170mm
Weight: Approx. 425g
Print and digital; however currently no digital download code available for the printed version